Let's write a story together

I'd like to try an experiment.

The whole point of being on my list is to have access to stuff other readers never see, but so far it's meant only behind-the-scenes info ... which is fun and all, but my guess is you'd also like some exclusive content, like stories that ONLY exist here, for those of you in the Truantverse.

So I thought I'd write a new short story just for you -- one I'll co-create it WITH you along the way.

We'll do it with your help. I'll write a bit, stopping at a fork in the story. YOU, dear readers, can then vote on which choice the characters make.

If that sounds good to you, we first need to decide which story to tell. I've come up with three story ideas that all sound pretty great to me, but you, dear readers, get to vote on which one I actually write:

Click here to pick your favorite story idea of the three.

Then, next week, I'll start writing it. :)

Choose wisely ...

P.S: The story will be set in the world of Gore Point, but you don't need to have read Gore Point to enjoy or "get" it, and it won't include spoilers for the core trilogy.

Literary As F**k

Behind-the-scenes book talk with a bestselling author and his unicorn. Join 6000+ readers of my 150 books as I share stories behind the stories, unbox the creative process, and lead a disobedient "artisan author" movement to treat readers like rockstars and make the book world suck less.

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